Complete the form to book your phone consultation:

When you "Submit" your request, you are consenting to the following Terms & Conditions.


Business Owner and Accountant will not, during the Term of this Agreement, or for one (1) year thereafter, induce or attempt to induce any person who, at the time of such inducement, is or was, during the prior six (6) month period, an employee, client, owner, or independent contractor of CPA MOMS or affiliated entities, to perform work or services for any other person or entity other than CPA MOMS or its affiliated entities.

Business Owner and Accountant will not, during the Term of this Agreement, or for one (1) year thereafter, induce, attempt to induce, or hire any person who was presented by CPA

MOMS as a candidate for hire by CPA MOMS to the Business Owner as an employee or independent contractor without compensation to CPA MOMS.

CPA MOMS is matching an Accountant as directed by the Business Owner. All Parties agree that CPA MOMS shall have no right to control the manner, means, or method by which the Accountant performs the services. CPA MOMS will not review, supervise, or control any aspect of the work produced by the Accountant. CPA MOMS does not guarantee that the match with Accountant will be a good fit, and does not guarantee the results of Accountant, and is not liable for any errors or omissions, losses, liability, damage, claims, demands, or suits caused intentionally or unintentionally by Accountant. CPA MOMS performs standard background checks at initial screening; however, recommends that Business Owner perform their own standard consultant screening processing procedures. In no way is the relationship between the Business Owner and CPA MOMS, or CPA MOMS and Accountant considered an employee, partnership, consulting, or joint venture agreement.

The accountant is required to carry proper licenses and insurance to perform accounting and tax services. CPA MOMS has only verified accountant has an active CPA license and a

professional liability insurance policy to cover accounting or tax services at the time of initial contact with the Accountant. It is up to the Accountant to self-report and keep licenses and insurance active. All current verifications should be conducted by the Business Owner to ensure properly insured and licensed to perform the services requested.

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